
Friday, April 20, 2012

Outback Spring Holiday Workshops for Kids....

With the Spring Holidays starting tomorrow in our region, several organizations are holding workshops for children. Here are just a few...

The Professional Theatre Company, 100° Théatre in Grasse, offers Theatre Workshops for adults and children ages 6-16 during the upcoming school holidays, in the Chapelle Saint Michel in Grasse. 

Their Workshop will run from Monday April 23 to Friday April 27, and from Monday, April 30-Friday, May 4 from 10-12h, and 13H-16H. For information and registration, please telephone: 06 62 40 30 57.

The Museum "Espace de l'Art Concret" in Mouans Sartoux will be offering Art Workshops for children  from Monday April 23 to Friday April 27, from 10h-16H each day. The two workshops include: I. Atelier Peinture, II. Atelier Nouvelle Création
Espace de l’Art Concret - centre d'art contemporain
Château de Mouans – F06370 Mouans-Sartoux
Tel  04 93 75 71 50  /  Fax  04 93 75 88 88
Site :

May 2, 3, 4: The Association EDEN will be offering a Children's creative workshop on the theme of " developing confidence", at the elementary school in Saint Cézaire. Led by psychologist, Joelle Grenier, this workshop will use creative, educational activities to help your child improve relationships with friends and family for a better integration in school.

The development of confidence in yourself is the base for a better personal equlibrium. Two groups are offered, 9h30-12H for 5-9 year olds, and 14H-16H30 for 9-12 year olds. For information and to sign up telephone:, please leave a message with your name and telephone number.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Saint Cezaire's 2012 Spring Clean a Success!

Thanks to all the associations of Saint Cézaire who came out early Sunday to participate in the "Spring Clean". Over a ton of rubbish was picked up through out the village. Let's all make an effort to keep our village beautiful!